Conference Background
In 2014,prominent issues in environment and energy-saving and emission-reduction in the production of iron and steel ,raw material structure need urgently to improve.Non-blast-furnace ironmaking technology has the technology advantage although included in the Chinese national "Twelfth Five Year Plan",but including direct reduction iron,non-blast-furnace ironmaking techonlogy is not perfect.How to achieve energy saving,reasonable investment,market recognized non-blast-furnace ironmaking techonlogy,is an important issue in the field of the direct reduction.
In the stage of development of direct reduction technology in china,need the process suppliers,enterprise and equipment suppliers and other multi interaction,exchange and discuss direct reduction production technology, expand the use of DRI in application fields,development of DRI market space.
Direct Reduced Iron is not only the urgent needing material to produce pure steel in China's electric furnace industry,but also the urgent needing to produce high-level pure cast steel and casting blank in the equipment manufacturing industry.Under this background,a non-blat furnace techinque becomes the top choice of many corporations.
The problem of raw materials becomes greater because of the increasing output of iron and steel.The utilization of low-quality iron has turned out to be a big problem in the metallurgy industry recently.In dealing with the utilization of low-quality iron an polymetallic ore,people have turned to coal-based direct reduction.And it is also related to rotary hearth furnaces,rotary kilns,tunnel kilns and shaft furnaces.
The techniques of Gas-Based Reduction,MIDREX and HYL have done a lot to the reduction procedure of coal-making gas.It has reached a good result while considering the China's market features and the increasing oil price background.The metallurgy industry in China is paying much attention to it.
The 2014 Direct Reduction Iron Seminar is hosted by the China Association of Metalscrap Utilization DRI Working Committee and the Over-world Non-Blast-Furnace Iron-making Technical Consultancy Co.,Ltd.( are sincerely inviting the counterparts both from home and abroad of direct reduction industry to discuss the current market condition and the relevant techniques in the world as well as in China.
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